Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to make rose hip oil

Well it's a little early for  harvesting rose hips, usually they are best (especially for tea) right after the first frost. However, we've spent quite a few August weekends down in Rhode Island at a beautiful beach in the Narragansett Bay. They have wonderful beach roses (rosa rugosa), and I felt the urge to make some rose hip oil.  It's great for scars and moisturizing super dry skin.

If you want to make your own, here's the recipe. Make small batches because this stuff does have a shelf life.
First pick your rose hips, then wash them thoroughly.

Then cut off both ends and place rose hips into a jar, then pour in your carrier oil. In this case I chose sweet almond oil for it's pleasant mild aroma and lightness. You could use safflower oil, grapeseed oil or any other light oil. I wouldn't recommend using olive oil.

Let sit in a warm darkish place for about 2 days. You can cover it with a towel to keep it dark if you need to.

After 2 days put the oil and hips into your crockpot and let simmer on low, uncovered for about 10-12 hours.

 When your oil is done strain out the rose hips. Squeeze them well to get the oil out. (be careful they are likely HOT!!!)

Then pour the strained oil back into the original jar or whatever container you like. Glass is best, and the darker the better, but you can always use what you have. Date and label and keep in a dark cool place. It will last for about 6-8 months before it goes stagnant.

1 comment:

  1. Do the rose hips have to be red or can they be green?
